Common selectors


Checks whether all of the given conditions are satisfied

Parameters:condition (args) – Any argument passed to this selector will be interpreted as a selector on its own that may have arguments.

Checks whether any of the given conditions are satisfied

Parameters:condition (kwargs) – Any argument passed to this selector will be interpreted as a selector on its own that may have arguments.

Returns True if the current mode to is contained in target_mode

Parameters:target_modes (list) – The modes to filter.
powerline.selectors.common.time(target_start_time, target_end_time, time_zone=None, time_format="%H:%M")[source]

Returns True if the current time to is between target_start_time and target_end_time. Times are to be specified in strftime-style format time_format.

  • target_start_time (string) – The (inclusive) start time.
  • target_end_time (string) – The (exclusive) end time.
  • time_format (string) – The strftime-style format to use for the given times.
  • time_zone (string) – The time zone to use for the current time.