powerline-lint manual page


powerline-lint [-pPATH]… [-d]


-p, --config-path PATH
Paths where configuration should be checked, in order. You must supply all paths necessary for powerline to work, checking partial (e.g. only user overrides) configuration is not supported.
-d, --debug
Display additional information. Used for debugging powerline-lint itself, not for debugging configuration.
-h, --help
Display help and exit.


Written by Kim Silkebækken, Nikolay Pavlov, Kovid Goyal, Philip Wellnitz and contributors. The glyphs in the font patcher are created by Fabrizio Schiavi.

Reporting bugs

Report powerline-lint bugs to https://github.com/powerline/powerline/issues.

See also

powerline(1), powerline-config(1)