Source code for powerline.segments.i3wm

import re

from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
from powerline.bindings.wm import get_i3_connection

def workspace_groups(w):
    group = []
    if w.focused:
    if w.urgent:
    if w.visible:
    return group

        "Xfce4-terminal":     "",
        "Chromium":           "",
        "Google-chrome":      "",
        "Steam":              "",
        "jetbrains":          "",
        "Gimp":               "",
        "Pavucontrol":        "",
        "Lmms":               "",
        "thunderbird":        "",
        "Thunar":             "",
        "Skype":              "",
        "TelegramDesktop":    "",
        "feh":                "",
        "firefox":            "",
        "Evince":             "",
        "Okular":             "",
        "libreoffice-calc":   "",
        "libreoffice-writer": "",
        "multiple":           ""

def get_icon(w, separator, icons, show_multiple_icons, ws_containers):
    if w.num == -5:
        return ""
    icons_tmp = WS_ICONS
    icons = icons_tmp

    wins = [win for win in ws_containers[].leaves() \
            if win.parent.scratchpad_state == 'none']

    if len(wins) == 0:
        return ""

    result = ""
    cnt = 0
    for key in icons:
        if not icons[key] or len(icons[key]) < 1:
        if any(key.upper() in win.window_class.upper() for win in wins if win.window_class):
            result += separator + icons[key]
            cnt += 1
    if not show_multiple_icons and cnt > 1:
        if 'multiple' in icons:
            return separator + icons['multiple']
            return ""

    return result

import copy
def get_next_ws(ws, outputs):
    names = [ for w in ws]
    for i in range(1, 100):
        if not str(i) in names:
            res_ls = []
            res = copy.deepcopy(ws[0])
            res.num = -5
   = str(i)
            res.urgent = False
            res.focused = False
            res.visible = False
            for o in outputs:
                r2 = copy.deepcopy(res)
                r2.output = o
                res_ls += [r2]
            return res_ls
    return []

def is_empty_workspace(w, ws_containers):
    if w.num == -5:
        return False

    if w.focused or w.visible:
        return False

    wins = [win for win in ws_containers[].leaves()]

    return False if len(wins) > 0 else True

[docs]@requires_segment_info def workspaces(pl, segment_info, only_show=None, output=None, strip=0, separator=" ", icons=WS_ICONS, show_icons=True, show_multiple_icons=True, show_dummy_workspace=False, show_output=False, priority_workspaces=[], hide_empty_workspaces=False): '''Return list of used workspaces :param list only_show: Specifies which workspaces to show. Valid entries are ``"visible"``, ``"urgent"`` and ``"focused"``. If omitted or ``null`` all workspaces are shown. :param string output: May be set to the name of an X output. If specified, only workspaces on that output are shown. Overrides automatic output detection by the lemonbar renderer and bindings. Use "__all__" to show workspaces on all outputs. :param int strip: Specifies how many characters from the front of each workspace name should be stripped (e.g. to remove workspace numbers). Defaults to zero. :param string separator: Specifies a string to be inserted between the workspace name and program icons and between program icons. :param dict icons: A dictionary mapping a substring of window classes to strings to be used as an icon for that window class. The following window classes have icons by default: ``Xfce4-terminal``, ``Chromium``, ``Steam``, ``jetbrains``, ``Gimp``, ``Pavucontrol``, ``Lmms``, ``Thunderbird``, ``Thunar``, ``Skype``, ``TelegramDesktop``, ``feh``, ``Firefox``, ``Evince``, ``Okular``, ``libreoffice-calc``, ``libreoffice-writer``. You can override the default icons by defining an icon for that window class yourself, and disable single icons by setting their icon to "" or None. Further, there is a ``multiple`` icon for workspaces containing more than one window (which is used if ``show_multiple_icons`` is ``False``) :param boolean show_icons: Determines whether to show icons. Defaults to True. :param boolean show_multiple_icons: If this is set to False, instead of displaying multiple icons per workspace, the icon "multiple" will be used. :param boolean show_dummy_workspace: If this is set to True, this segment will always display an additional, non-existing workspace. This workspace will be handled as if it was a non-urgent and non-focused regular workspace, i.e., click events will work as with normal workspaces. :param boolean show_output: Show the name of the output if more than one output is connected and output is not set to ``__all__``. :param string list priority_workspaces: A list of workspace names to be sorted before any other workspaces in the given order. :param boolean hide_empty_workspaces: Hides all workspaces without any open window. (Does not remove the dummy workspace.) Also hides non-focussed workspaces containing only an open scratchpad. Highlight groups used: ``workspace`` or ``workspace:visible``, ``workspace`` or ``workspace:focused``, ``workspace`` or ``workspace:urgent`` or ``output``. Click values supplied: ``workspace_name`` (string) for workspaces and ``output_name`` (string) for outputs. ''' channel_name = 'i3wm.workspaces' conn = get_i3_connection() channel_value = None if 'payloads' in segment_info and channel_name in segment_info['payloads']: channel_value = segment_info['payloads'][channel_name] if channel_value: # Shrink the segment as far as possible only_show = ['focused', 'visible'] show_multiple_icons = False output_count = 1 if not output == "__all__": output = output or segment_info.get('output') if show_output: output_count = len([o for o in conn.get_outputs() if]) else: output = None if output: output = [output] else: output = [ for o in conn.get_outputs() if] def sort_ws(ws): import re def natural_key(ws): str = return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', str)] ws = sorted(ws, key=natural_key) result = [] for n in priority_workspaces: result += [w for w in ws if == n] return result + [w for w in ws if not in priority_workspaces] \ + (get_next_ws(ws, output) if show_dummy_workspace else []) ws_containers = { : w_con for w_con in conn.get_tree().workspaces()} if len(output) <= 1: res = [] if output_count > 1: res += [{ 'contents': output[0], 'payload_name': channel_name, 'highlight_groups': ['output'], 'click_values': {'output_name': output[0]} }] res += [{ 'contents':[min(len(, strip):] \ + (get_icon(w, separator, icons, show_multiple_icons, ws_containers) \ if show_icons else ""), 'highlight_groups': workspace_groups(w), 'payload_name': channel_name, 'click_values': {'workspace_name':} } for w in sort_ws(conn.get_workspaces()) if (not only_show or any(getattr(w, typ) for typ in only_show)) if w.output == output[0] if not (hide_empty_workspaces and is_empty_workspace(w, ws_containers)) ] return res else: res = [] for n in output: res += [{ 'contents': n, 'highlight_groups': ['output'], 'payload_name': channel_name, 'click_values': {'output_name': n} }] res += [{'contents':[min(len(, strip):] \ + (get_icon(w, separator, icons, show_multiple_icons, ws_containers) \ if show_icons else ""), 'highlight_groups': workspace_groups(w), 'payload_name': channel_name, 'click_values': {'workspace_name':}} \ for w in sort_ws(conn.get_workspaces()) if (not only_show or any(getattr(w, typ) for typ in only_show)) if w.output == n if not (hide_empty_workspaces and is_empty_workspace(w, ws_containers)) ] return res
[docs]@requires_segment_info def mode(pl, segment_info, names={'default': None}): '''Returns current i3 mode :param str default: Specifies the name to be displayed instead of "default". By default the segment is left out in the default mode. Highlight groups used: ``mode`` ''' current_mode = segment_info['mode'] if current_mode in names: return names[current_mode] return current_mode
def scratchpad_groups(w): group = [] if w.urgent: group.append('scratchpad:urgent') if w.nodes[0].focused: group.append('scratchpad:focused') if w.workspace().name != '__i3_scratch': group.append('scratchpad:visible') group.append('scratchpad') return group SCRATCHPAD_ICONS = { 'fresh': 'O', 'changed': 'X', }
[docs]def scratchpad(pl, icons=SCRATCHPAD_ICONS): '''Returns the windows currently on the scratchpad :param dict icons: Specifies the strings to show for the different scratchpad window states. Must contain the keys ``fresh`` and ``changed``. Highlight groups used: ``scratchpad`` or ``scratchpad:visible``, ``scratchpad`` or ``scratchpad:focused``, ``scratchpad`` or ``scratchpad:urgent``. ''' windows = get_i3_connection().get_tree().descendants() return [{'contents': icons.get(w.scratchpad_state, icons['changed']), 'highlight_groups': scratchpad_groups(w) } for w in windows if w.scratchpad_state != 'none']
# Global menu support heavily influenced by def compute_appmenu_menu(window_id): import dbus, time try: sbus = dbus.SessionBus() areg = sbus.get_object('com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar', '/com/canonical/AppMenu/Registrar') aregi = dbus.Interface(areg, 'com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar') dbmenu, dbmenu_path = aregi.GetMenuForWindow(window_id) dbo = sbus.get_object(dbmenu, dbmenu_path) dboi = dbus.Interface(dbo, 'com.canonical.dbusmenu') db_items = dboi.GetLayout(0, -1, ["label"]) def explore(item): item_id = item[0] item_props = item[1] if 'children-display' in item_props: dboi.AboutToShow(item_id) dboi.Event(item_id, "opened", "not used", dbus.UInt32(time.time())) #fix firefox try: item = dboi.GetLayout(item_id, 1, ["label", "children-display"])[1] except: return { } item_children = item[2] name = 'Root' if 'label' in item_props: name = item_props['label'].replace('_', '') if len(item_children) == 0: return { name: lambda: dboi.Event(item_id, 'clicked', 0, 0) } else: res = {} for child in item_children: res.update(explore(child)) return { name : { r:res[r] for r in res if r != 'Root' } } itm = explore(db_items[1]) if 'Root' in itm: return itm['Root'] else: return itm except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: return None gtk_click = None def compute_gtk_menu(window_id): try: from Xlib import display, protocol, X import dbus dis = display.Display() win = dis.create_resource_object('window', window_id) def get_prop(prop): atom = win.get_full_property(dis.get_atom(prop), X.AnyPropertyType) if atom: return atom.value gtk_bus_name = get_prop('_GTK_UNIQUE_BUS_NAME') gtk_menu = get_prop('_GTK_MENUBAR_OBJECT_PATH') gtk_app = get_prop('_GTK_APPLICATION_OBJECT_PATH') gtk_win = get_prop('_GTK_WINDOW_OBJECT_PATH') gtk_unity = get_prop('_UNITY_OBJECT_PATH') gtk_bus_name, gtk_menu, gtk_app, gtk_win, gtk_unity = \ [i.decode("utf8") if isinstance(i, bytes) \ else i for i in [gtk_bus_name, gtk_menu, gtk_app, gtk_win, gtk_unity]] gtk_actions = list(set([gtk_win, gtk_menu, gtk_app, gtk_unity])) if not gtk_bus_name or not gtk_menu: return None session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() gtk_menu_o = session_bus.get_object(gtk_bus_name, gtk_menu) gtk_menu_i = dbus.Interface(gtk_menu_o, dbus_interface='org.gtk.Menus') gtk_menubar_action_dict = dict() gtk_menubar_action_target_dict = dict() usedLayers = [] def Start(i): usedLayers.append(i) return gtk_menu_i.Start([i]) no_data = dict() no_data["not used"] = "not used" def explore(parent): res = {} for node in parent: content = node[2] for element in content: if 'label' in element: if ':section' in element or ':submenu' in element: if ':submenu' in element: res.update({ element['label'].replace('_', ''): explore(Start(element[':submenu'][0])) }) if ':section' in element: if element[':section'][0] != node[0]: res.update(explore(Start(element[':submenu'][0]))) elif 'action' in element: menu_action = str(element['action']).split(".",1)[1] target = [] if 'target' in element: target = element['target'] if not isinstance(target, list): target = [target] res.update({ element['label'].replace('_', ''): (menu_action, target) }) else: if ':submenu' in element or ':section' in element: if ':section' in element: if element[':section'][0] != node[0]: res.update(explore(Start(element[':section'][0]))) if ':submenu' in element: res.update(explore(Start(element[':submenu'][0]))) return res menuKeys = explore(Start(0)) gtk_menu_i.End(usedLayers) def click(menu_action, target): for action_path in gtk_actions: if action_path == None: continue try: ao = session_bus.get_object(gtk_bus_name, action_path) ai = dbus.Interface(ao, dbus_interface='org.gtk.Actions') ai.Activate(menu_action, target, no_data) except Exception as e: print('_'*20) print(action_path) print(str(e)) global gtk_click gtk_click = click return menuKeys except: return None def compute_menu(window_id): amen = compute_gtk_menu(window_id) if amen == None: amen = compute_appmenu_menu(window_id) return amen def compute_highlight(ws, window): highlight_groups = [] desc = [d.layout in ['tabbed', 'stacked'] for d in ws.descendants() \ if d.parent.type == 'workspace' and d.floating in ['user_off', 'auto_off'] \ and d.type != 'floating_con'] if len([w for w in ws.leaves() if w.floating in ['user_off', 'auto_off']]) == 1: highlight_groups = ['active_window_title:single', 'active_window_title'] elif len(desc) > 0 and all(desc) and (not window or window.floating) in ['user_on', 'auto_on']: highlight_groups = ['active_window_title:stacked_unfocused', 'active_window_title'] elif len(desc) > 0 and all(desc) and (not window or not window.focused): highlight_groups = ['active_window_title:stacked_unfocused', 'active_window_title'] elif len(desc) > 0 and all(desc): highlight_groups = ['active_window_title:stacked', 'active_window_title'] else: highlight_groups = ['active_window_title'] return highlight_groups def split_layer(layer, max_length, item_length): res = [] ln = 0 cur = {} lst = list(layer.keys()) for i in range(0, len(lst)): cl = min(len(lst[i]), item_length) if ln + cl > max_length: res += [cur] cur = {} ln = 0 ln += cl cur.update({lst[i]: layer[lst[i]]}) if ln: res += [cur] return res active_window_state = 0 last_active_window = None last_active_window_name = None last_oneshot = 0 menu_items = None current_layer = None start = 0 path = []
[docs]@requires_segment_info def active_window(pl, segment_info, cutoff=100, global_menu=False, item_length=20, \ max_width=80, auto_expand=False, show_empty=False, **kwargs): ''' Returns the title of the currently active window. To enhance the global menu support, add the following to your ``.bashrc``: .. code-block:: shell if [ -n "$GTK_MODULES" ]; then GTK_MODULES="${GTK_MODULES}:appmenu-gtk-module" else GTK_MODULES="appmenu-gtk-module" fi if [ -z "$UBUNTU_MENUPROXY" ]; then UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=1 fi export GTK_MODULES export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY :param int cutoff: Maximum title length. If the title is longer, the window_class is used instead. :param boolean global_menu: Activate global menu support (experimental) :param int item_length: Maximum length of a menu item. :param int max_width: Maximum total length of the content. :param bool auto_expand: Add spaces to center the segment. :param bool show_empty: Show the sehment if no window is focused. Highlight groups used: ``active_window_title:single`` or ``active_window_title:stacked_unfocused`` or ``active_window_title:stacked`` or ``active_window_title``. ''' global active_window_state global last_active_window global last_active_window_name global last_oneshot global menu_items global current_layer global start global path conn = get_i3_connection() if len(path) > 0: max_width = max_width - len('Main Menu') if len(path) > 1: max_width = max_width - len('Up a Level') channel_name = 'i3wm.active_window' channel_value = None if global_menu and 'payloads' in segment_info and channel_name in segment_info['payloads']: channel_value = segment_info['payloads'][channel_name] focused = conn.get_tree().find_focused() ws = focused.workspace() o_name = [w.output for w in conn.get_workspaces() \ if ==][0] output = segment_info.get('output') if last_active_window != focused.window and last_active_window: # Please, don't kill me for this line if global_menu and last_active_window and 'payloads' in segment_info \ and 'i3wm.workspaces' in segment_info['payloads']: segment_info['payloads']['i3wm.workspaces'] = None last_active_window = None last_active_window_name = None active_window_state = 0 start = 0 menu_items = None current_layer = None path = [] if o_name != output: if not show_empty: return None # Get visible workspace ws = [w for w in conn.get_workspaces() if w.output == output \ and w.visible] if not len(ws): return None ws = [w for w in focused.workspaces() if == ws[0].name] if not len(ws): return None highlight = compute_highlight(ws[0], None) return [{ 'contents': '', 'width': 'auto', 'highlight_groups': highlight, 'click_values': { 'segment': '' }, 'payload_name': 'DROP' }] if == focused.workspace().name: if not show_empty: return None return [{ 'contents': '', 'width': 'auto', 'highlight_groups': compute_highlight(ws, None), 'click_values': { 'segment': '' }, 'payload_name': 'DROP' }] cont = [] if cutoff and len(cont) > cutoff: cont = [focused.window_class] main_cont = cont[0] if channel_value and not isinstance(channel_value, str) and len(channel_value) == 2 \ and channel_value[0].startswith('menu_click') and channel_value[1] > last_oneshot: last_oneshot = channel_value[1] click_area = channel_value[0].split(':')[1] if active_window_state == 0: last_active_window = focused.window last_active_window_name = menu_items = compute_menu(focused.window) current_layer = split_layer(menu_items, max_width, item_length) path = [] active_window_state = 1 elif click_area == 'Main Menu': start = 0 current_layer = split_layer(menu_items, max_width, item_length) path = [] elif click_area == 'Up a Level': start = 0 path = path[:-1] current_layer = menu_items cnt = 0 for i in path: current_layer = current_layer[i] cnt += 1 if cnt > 1: current_layer.update({'Up a Level': ''}) current_layer.update({'Main Menu': ''}) current_layer = split_layer(current_layer, max_width, item_length) elif click_area == '$<': start = max(0, start - 1) elif click_area == '$>': start = min(len(current_layer) - 1, start + 1) elif click_area != '': if isinstance(current_layer[start][click_area], dict): current_layer = current_layer[start][click_area] if len(path) > 0: current_layer.update({'Up a Level': ''}) current_layer.update({'Main Menu': ''}) current_layer = split_layer(current_layer, max_width, item_length) start = 0 path += [click_area] else: if isinstance(current_layer[start][click_area], tuple): gtk_click(current_layer[start][click_area][0], current_layer[start][click_area][1]) else: current_layer[start][click_area]() current_layer = split_layer(menu_items, max_width, item_length) path = [] start = 0 if channel_value and not isinstance(channel_value, str) and len(channel_value) == 2 \ and channel_value[0] == 'menu_off' and channel_value[1] > last_oneshot: last_oneshot = channel_value[1] active_window_state = 0 if channel_value and not isinstance(channel_value, str) and len(channel_value) == 2 \ and channel_value[0] == 'menu_on' and channel_value[1] > last_oneshot: last_oneshot = channel_value[1] active_window_state = 1 if last_active_window != focused.window: last_active_window = focused.window last_active_window_name = menu_items = compute_menu(focused.window) current_layer = split_layer(menu_items, max_width, item_length) path = [] start = 0 if current_layer and active_window_state: cont = list(current_layer[start].keys()) highlight = compute_highlight(ws, focused) res = [] show_prev = start > 0 and active_window_state > 0 show_next = current_layer and active_window_state > 0 \ and start < len(current_layer) - 1 def shorten(string, length): if len(string) < length - 1: return string return string[:length-1] + '…' if global_menu and (auto_expand or show_prev): res += [{ 'contents': '<' if show_prev else '', 'highlight_groups': highlight, 'payload_name': channel_name if show_prev else 'DROP', 'draw_soft_divider': False, 'draw_inner_divider': True if show_prev else False, 'width': 'auto' if auto_expand else None, 'align': 'r', 'click_values': { 'segment': '$<' } }] total_len = 0 for i in range(0, len(cont)): total_len += min(len(cont[i]), item_length) if cont[i] != main_cont \ else min(len(cont[i]), max_width) def truncate(pl, wd, seg): nl = max(5 * len(cont), int(total_len) - wd) if int(total_len) <= nl: return seg['contents'] shr = (int(total_len) - nl) // len(cont) return shorten(seg['contents'], len(seg['contents']) - shr) for i in range(0, len(cont)): draw_div = i != 0 or show_prev or not auto_expand res += [{ 'contents': (shorten(cont[i],item_length) if cont[i] != main_cont \ else shorten(cont[i], max_width)), 'highlight_groups': highlight, 'payload_name': channel_name, 'draw_inner_divider': draw_div, 'draw_soft_divider': True , 'click_values': { 'segment': cont[i] if cont[i] != main_cont else '' }, 'truncate': truncate }] if global_menu and (auto_expand or show_next): res += [{ 'contents': '>' if show_next else '', 'highlight_groups': highlight, 'payload_name': channel_name if show_next else 'DROP', 'width': 'auto' if auto_expand else None, 'click_values': { 'segment': '$>' }, 'draw_inner_divider': bool(show_next), }] return res