Source code for powerline.segments.common.appoints

from datetime import (datetime, timedelta, timezone)
from powerline.lib.threaded import ThreadedSegment
from powerline.segments import with_docstring
from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
import os

[docs]@requires_segment_info class GoogleCalendarSegment(ThreadedSegment): interval = 300 service = None dev_key = None first_run = True def set_state(self, developer_key, credentials=os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.config/powerline/gcalendar_credentials', range=1, **kwargs): self.dev_key = developer_key self.cred_path = credentials self.range = range self.invalid = True self.service = None super(GoogleCalendarSegment, self).set_state(**kwargs) def init_service(self, **kwargs): if not self.service: import httplib2 from apiclient.discovery import build from oauth2client.file import Storage # If the Credentials don't exist or are invalid, run through the native client # flow. The Storage object will ensure that if successful the good # Credentials will get written back to a file. if not os.path.exists(self.cred_path): super(GoogleCalendarSegment, self).set_state(**kwargs) self.invalid = True return None storage = Storage(self.cred_path) credentials = storage.get() if credentials is None or credentials.invalid == True: super(GoogleCalendarSegment, self).set_state(**kwargs) self.invalid = True return None # Create an httplib2.Http object to handle our HTTP requests and authorize it # with our good Credentials. http = httplib2.Http() http = credentials.authorize(http) self.service = build(serviceName='calendar', version='v3', http=http, developerKey=self.dev_key) self.invalid = False def get_remind(self, dict): mx = 0 for d in dict: mx = max(mx, d['minutes']) return mx def update(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.invalid: # If the user has a really slow internet connection, # we don't want that this segment incurs a delay before the # powerline is shown. if self.first_run: self.first_run = False return [] if self.dev_key: self.init_service(**kwargs) if self.invalid: return None # Get the list of all calendars calendars = self.service.calendarList().list().execute()['items'] # Get the next count events from every calendar result = [ calendarId=id, orderBy='startTime', singleEvents=True,, timeMax=( + timedelta(self.range)).isoformat() ).execute() for id in [c['id'] for c in calendars]] result = [(c['items'], self.get_remind(c['defaultReminders'])) for c in result] return sum([[(e,r) for e in c] for c, r in result], []) or [] def render(self, events, segment_info, format='{summary}{time}', short_format='{short_summary}{time}', time_format=' (%H:%M)', count=3, show_count=False, hide_times=[" (00:00)"], auto_shrink=False, single_when_shrunk=True, **kwargs): channel_name = 'appoints.gcalendar' channel_full = 'payloads' in segment_info and channel_name in segment_info['payloads'] and segment_info['payloads'][channel_name] long_mode = not auto_shrink or channel_full short_mode = single_when_shrunk and not long_mode if events is None: return [{ 'contents': 'No valid credentials' if long_mode else short_format.format(short_summary='', summary='', time='', location='', count='', error='/!\\'), 'payload_name': channel_name, 'highlight_groups': ['appoint:error', 'appoint:urgent', 'appoint'] }] segments = [] if show_count and len(events) > 0 and not short_mode: segments += [{ 'contents': str(len(events)), 'payload_name': channel_name, 'highlight_groups': ['appoint:count', 'appoint'] }] # Sort all events def remove_at(string, pos): return string[:pos] + string[pos+1:] try: events = [( datetime.strptime(ev['start']['date']+'+0000', "%Y-%m-%d%z") if 'date' in ev['start'] else datetime.strptime(remove_at(ev['start']['dateTime'],-3), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"), ev['summary'], ev['location'] if 'location' in ev else '(???)', timedelta(minutes=self.get_remind(ev['reminders']['overrides']), seconds=self.interval) if 'reminders' in ev and 'overrides' in ev['reminders'] else timedelta(minutes=bf) ) for ev, bf in events] except ValueError: events = [( datetime.strptime(ev['start']['date']+'+0000', "%Y-%m-%d%z") if 'date' in ev['start'] else datetime.strptime(remove_at(ev['start']['dateTime'],-3)+'+0000', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%z"), ev['summary'], ev['location'] if 'location' in ev else '(???)', timedelta(minutes=self.get_remind(ev['reminders']['overrides']), seconds=self.interval) if 'reminders' in ev and 'overrides' in ev['reminders'] else timedelta(minutes=bf) ) for ev, bf in events] now = events = [e for e in sorted([(dt - bf, sm, lc, bf) for dt, sm, lc, bf in events]) if e[0] <= now] evt_count = len(events) if count != 0: events = events[:count] def shorten(summary): words = summary.split(' ') res = '' for w in words: if len(w) and w[0].isupper(): res += w[0:3] return res def truncate_long(pl, wd, seg): wd -= len(seg['contents']) nw_con = seg['contents'][0:max(len(seg['contents'])//2, -wd)].strip(' .,;(-') return nw_con + '…' if len(nw_con) < len(seg['contents']) else nw_con # check if these events are relevant if not short_mode: return [{ 'contents': (format if long_mode else short_format).format(summary=sm, location=lc, error='', time='' if (dt + bf).strftime(time_format) in hide_times else (dt + bf).strftime(time_format), short_summary=shorten(sm), count=evt_count), 'highlight_groups': ['appoint:urgent', 'appoint'] if now < dt + bf else ['appoint'], 'draw_inner_divider': True, 'payload_name': channel_name, '_data': {'time': "" if (dt + bf).strftime(time_format) in hide_times else (dt + bf).strftime(time_format), 'summary': sm, 'short_summary': shorten(sm), 'location': lc, 'count': evt_count}, 'truncate': (lambda a,b,seg: short_format.format(**seg['_data'])) if not auto_shrink else truncate_long } for dt, sm, lc, bf in events if dt <= now] + segments elif evt_count: urgent = False for dt, sm, lc, bf in events: if now < dt + bf: urgent = True return [{ 'contents': short_format.format(time='', summary='', short_summary='', location='', count=evt_count, error=''), 'highlight_groups': ['appoint:urgent', 'appoint'] if urgent else ['appoint'], 'payload_name': channel_name }]
gcalendar = with_docstring(GoogleCalendarSegment(), '''Return the next ``count`` appoints found in your Google Calendar. :param string format: The format to use when displaying events. Valid fields are time, summary, short_summary, count, error, and location. :param string short_format: The format to use when displaying events with few space. Valid fields are time, summary, short_summary, count, error, and location. :param string time_format: The format to use when displaying times and dates. :param int count: Number of appoints that shall be shown :param bool show_count: Add an additional segment containing the number of events in the specified range. :param list hide_times: Times (using time_format) not to be displayed as start times. :param string credentials: A path to a file containing credentials to access the Google Calendar API. :param string developer_key: Your Google dev key. :param int range: Number of days into the future to check. No more than 250 events will be displayed in any case. :param bool auto_shrink: Use ``short_format`` per default unless the ``appoints.gcalendar`` channel is full. :param bool single_when_shrunk: Only show a single segment using ``short_format`` when this segment is in its short mode. Highlight groups used: ``appoint``, ``appoint:urgent``, ``appoint:count``. ''')